For organisations of 10 to 10,000+, see how we optimise your operations, mitigate risks and achieve balance in your workforce.
The other side of employee payments. Discover how an electricity provider’s Energy Traders were overpaid and over-accrued despite their concerns.
Are your built-in leave rosters compliant, or would a full or partial BIL arrangements be suitable for your workforce?
A mining company started a new greenfield project and wanted to attract 1000 new employees with a focus on growing the number of women in its workforce.
An enterprise with 15,000 employees had its frontline staff decimated due to high turnover, secondments and absenteeism.
An iron ore mine in the Pilbara with 2000 employees needed to quickly transition from a variety of multi-crewed rosters to a set of nested even time arrangements.
Orkest was engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic by a PNG gold mine with a 5000+ BAU global workforce to assist with developing roster solutions for the complex and ever-changing mix of testing, isolation and travel restrictions.
A review of standard rostering practices for an essential service showed a prevalence of staff working 7 consecutive night shifts with only a single day to recover before returning to work.
Looking for balance in your workforce?